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Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) is referred to as the extra contribution made outside the mandatory 18% employer (10%) and employee (8%) contributions into an individual’s Retirement Savings Account (RSA).

Please note that you do not need to open a separate pension account to make additional voluntary contributions.

It is accessible at any time and non-taxable if there are no withdrawals for a minimum period of 5 years.

The contribution must come through your payroll/employer.

Benefits of AVC

  • It helps you cultivate a savings culture.
  • It provides you with additional funds and financial strength at retirement.
  • It makes it possible for you to meet unexpected financial obligations.
  • It attracts the same investment returns as your statutory pension contributions
  • You can monitor your contributions via your statement of account.
  • You can remit any amount as long as you are comfortable with it.

NPF Pensions House Plot 3820,

R.B. Dikko Road, Off Shehu Shagari Way

Central Business District (CBD)

Abuja – Nigeria.

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